
members of religious orders معنى

  • أعضاء أخويات دينية
  • members    أعضاء; أعضاؤ; أعضا ...
  • of    prep. من, بشأن, بس ...
  • religious    adj. متدين, ورع, د ...
  • religious orders    أخويات دينية
  • orders    n. أوامر

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. members of parliament for the university of oxford معنى
  2. members of parliament for worcester معنى
  3. members of parliament of sri lanka معنى
  4. members of parliament of the united kingdom for the city of london معنى
  5. members of political organizations معنى
  6. members of religious organizations معنى
  7. members of solidarity (united states) معنى
  8. members of state legislatures of brazil معنى
  9. members of state lower houses in australia معنى
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